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Req ID: RC732679

Handler (Warehouse Employee) (m/w/d) in Teilzeit (10 Std. pro Woche/ 2 Std. Mo -FR) für den Standort Siegen / SGEA 57234 Wilnsdorf NUR PM

  • Company: Federal Express Corporation EU
  • Category: Professional
  • Employment Type: Part Time
  • Worker Sub-Type: Regular
  • Scheduled Weekly Hours: 10
  • Posting End Date: 2025-01-31T00:00:00+00:00
  • Remote: No
  • Location: 18 Essener Straße, Wilnsdorf, North 57234, Germany


Storage, Fashion & Solutions; Ground Operations:; Operational Support; Handling; Handling (Ground Ops); Safe Onloading & Offloading of Vehicles, Scanning & Sorting of Packages; Supporting Administration as Required; Security Screening as Required

Ihre Aufgaben:

  • Überprüfen von Sendungen inkl. Zollpapiere - Konformität von Begleitpapieren und Sendungsbeschaffenheit
  • Sortieren und scannen von Paketen
  • Sortieren von Paketen heißt Auflage oder Abnahme am Band mit geeigneten Hilfsmitteln und Einhaltung des Gesundheitsschutzes. Es ist eine körperliche Arbeit!
  • Kommunikation im Team und mit allen angrenzenden Schnittstellen

Ihr Qualifikationsprofil:

  • Quereinstieg möglich, Erfahrung aus vorherigen Tätigkeiten von Vorteil
  • Belastbarkeit, Flexibilität, Kommunikationsfähigkeit, Teamfähigkeit
  • Englischkenntnisse von Vorteil
  • Diese Anstellung eignet sich sehr für Studenten zumal beide Schichtzeit (AM und/oder PM) mit Busverbindungen aus Siegen erreicht werden können
  • Ein wöchentlicher Wechsel AM zu PM und umgedreht ist möglich aber keine Voraussetzung

Arbeitszeiten PM unter Berücksichtigung der Busverbindungen aus Siegen zum Umschlagspeak: 17:00 Uhr - 19:00 Uhr

Diese Arbeitszeiten müssen eingehalten werden! Kompromisse sind hier nicht möglich!

Eingruppierung gem. Flächentarif: Lohngruppe 2 des Lohn-TV für gewerbliche Arbeitnehmer in der Speditions-, Logistik-  und Transportwirtschaft in NRW

Eingruppierung gem. GBV zur Entgeltordnung: EU FedEx Grade 1

Your tasks:

  • Checking consignments incl. customs documents - Conformity of accompanying documents and consignment condition
  • Sorting and scanning parcels
  • Sorting parcels means placing them on or removing them from the conveyor belt using suitable aids and observing health and safety regulations. It is physical work!
  • Communication within the team and with all adjacent interfaces

Your qualification profile:

  • Lateral entry possible, experience from previous activities an advantage
  • Ability to work under pressure, flexibility, communication skills, ability to work in a team
  • Knowledge of English is an advantage
  • This position is very suitable for students, especially as both shift times (AM and/or PM) can be reached by bus from Siegen
  • A weekly change from AM to PM and vice versa is possible but not a requirement


PM working hours taking into account the bus connections from Siegen to the transshipment peak: 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

These working times must be adhered to! Compromises are not possible here!

Classification according to the collective agreement: Wage group 2 of the wage TV for commercial employees in the freight forwarding, logistics and transport industry in NRW

Grouping in accordance with GBV for the pay scale: EU FedEx Grade 1

Arbeitszeiten 16:00 Uhr bis 20:00 Uhr. Wöchentlicher Wechsel nicht möglich . Aufgrund der Busverbindungen versuchen wir, die Arbeitszeiten von 15 - 19 Uhr zu organisieren, aber je nach Spitzenbelastung ist die Zeit von 16 - 20 Uhr zwingend.

Working hours 16:00 to 20:00. Weekly change is not possible. Due to bus connections we try to organize the working hours from 3 - 7 pm but depending on the peak the time from 4 - 8 pm is mandatory!

FedEx was built on a philosophy that puts people first, one we take seriously. We are an equal opportunity employer and we are committed to a diverse and inclusive workforce in which we provide growth opportunities for all

Our Company

FedEx is one of the world's largest express transportation companies and has consistently been selected as one of the top 10 World’s Most Admired Companies by "Fortune" magazine. Every day FedEx delivers for its customers with transportation and business solutions, serving more than 220 countries and territories around the globe. We can serve this global network due to our outstanding team of FedEx team members, who are tasked with making every FedEx experience outstanding.

Our Philosophy

The People-Service-Profit philosophy (P-S-P) describes the principles that govern every FedEx decision, policy or activity. FedEx takes care of our people; they, in turn, deliver the impeccable service demanded by our customers, who reward us with the profitability necessary to secure our future. The essential element in making the People-Service-Profit philosophy such a positive force for the company is where we close the circle, and return these profits back into the business, and invest back in our people. Our success in the industry is attributed to our people. Through our P-S-P philosophy, we have a work environment that encourages team members to be innovative in delivering the highest possible quality of service to our customers. We care for their well-being, and value their contributions to the company.

Our Culture

Our culture is important for many reasons, and we intentionally bring it to life through our behaviors, actions and activities in every part of the world. The FedEx culture and values have been a cornerstone of our success and growth since we began in the early 1970’s. While other companies can copy our systems, infrastructure and processes, our culture makes us unique and is often a differentiating factor as we compete and grow in today’s global marketplace.